Lifestyle Web Sites and the Changing to Social some LINKS you should have

So recently one of the MAJOR lifestyle web sites made a major change impacting their FREE Members that is going to be impacting  the clubs and events that most of you are not aware of. 

Free Profiles VS Paid. 

Free Profiles tend to have limited access on most of the sites.  Normally they do let you do some basics like message others, RSVP events and post what you are doing.  Recently with the continued migration away from theactual LIFESTYLE Web sites to places like Facebook Groups, Facebook pages, TikTok, Instagram ect.  OR the clubs own private site area access. 

We have a private area on our site as well.  It is fairly basic but we wanted a place where members could communicate with other members for FREE.  If you have an official HARD Plastic membership card you may join TABU Connections.  Make sure you do add your correct names and Tabu Membership where it ask for that.  JOIN Tabu Connections HERE

So may members have been on SLS aka Swinglifesylte for some time.  Recently they made a major change on their site limited the access to FREE Members.  Why are we talking about this?  Well now if you have a FREE Profile you are no longer able to RSVP our events we have on their site.  Why does that matter?  We offer a discount when we have the OFFICIAL SLS event we due typically in the first Saturday of the month that those with the FREE Profile are going to not be able to get that discount.  We are working on our site and trying to come up with a work around for you all.  Please keep a look out for our newsletters about any updates.  If you do not get the newsletter, we are putting a link for you to join that  here for you.  Membership is not required to get the newsletter just so you know.  But membership is required for the Tabu Connections.

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  2433 Hits

Have you signed up for our Newsletter yet?

Join our Newsletter Here for the MOST up to date Club Information

Where Sexy Adults Meet and Play......

This Weekend at Tabu

Stay-cation ...All Summer Long

Save on Gas and visit us!

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  2004 Hits

Tabu and the most recent Covid Updates for the members as of January 2022.

We thought is was best to share our answer to a member about their question on precautions at the club as it related to Covid as of January 2022. 


Their question was what precautions are we taking at the club as it relates to Covid..

On top of our ALREADY extremely high standards on cleaning like have Hospital Grade Electrostatic Machines, UV Sanitation equipment,  Ionizers to clean the air and added upgrades to our ventilation equipment to our over all HVAC system to improve airflow as well as help keep the air healthy.  We are now following the new county Mask Mandate that wend into effect the lat week in December,


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  2400 Hits

Tabu and Covid...what steps we do for you

Tabu we take your health, safety and well being very seriously. 

Did you know Tabu uses Hospital Grade Electrostatic machines throughout the entire club both Upstairs and in Vicki's VIP Lounge.  Along with an already highstandards of making sure the VIP Lounge rooms are clean before your use, the machines are used again inbetween members use. All touch surfaces are cleaned and sanitized nightly.  We also use UV Light Sanitizers each night in the club as well as special Ionizer machines. 

We have both in person application for membership or may be done fully on line.  Plus we have all Mobile pay options as well as taking Visa, Master Card and American Express.

We have reduced our offerings on the snack foods availalbe to be more individually safe.  The Crab dip is currently available but is subject to change based on the Health Departments inputs and suggestions to us.  

Changes may happen as the direction and guiandance from the local Health Department is reacting to the conditions as needed to protect us all.  This is an ever changing time right now and we will continue to strive to provide a safe, fun and welcoming environment for everyone here at Tabu.

Please get vaccinated if you can and help us all work towards getting back to a more normal way of life again.  WE Do Ask that if you are not vaccinated that you please wear a mask. 

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  2363 Hits


With 2021 already started and Covid running Its course, there is a ton of things we have missed bringing you into the New Year...  We have given the club a whole new look, don't miss out, come to the Soft Re Opening on June 18th... you won't be disappointed. 

  22613 Hits

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  **Events have suspended at Tabu until January 15th for your health and safety.** Currently in PHASE 3 they have just added business like Indoor Movie theaters to open.  We have made the decision to suspend all our events through January 15th and will re-evaluate at that time.  The safety of our Members and Staff is our number one p...

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  2852 Hits

Phase 3 starts but NIGHTCLUBS like TABU are still CLOSED per guidelines.

**Events have suspended at Tabu until October 11th for your health and safety.**

Just like Phase 1 and Phase 2 had different steps so does PHASE 3. 

Currently in PHASE 3 they have just added business like Indoor Movie theaters to open.

They HAVE NOT GRANTED NIGHTCLUBS permission to open at this time. (We are still REQUIRED to be CLOSED)

No events as an example with DANCING, DJ's  playing and patrons mixing and mingling are all not permitted as part of the current PHASE 3 Guidelines. 

Please understand we do know some clubs have elected to defy the State Orders and have opened.  We will not put the members or our staff in jeopardy during this pandemic.  We have prided ourselves in always operating legally and will not change that now.  Please join the NEWSLETTER if you do not already receive it for updates and announcements for when we can legally open again.   Bars and Social Clubs or other business of this nature are opened but required the guest to be seating or masked when not at a socially distant table. 

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  3247 Hits

NO Change on club openings in Maryland... Closed and Missing our members!

SPECIAL Announcement:

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  2641 Hits

Stay Safe...Play Safe... Encouraging our friends and family to wear a mask so we can open again...

This is an extremely important massage for all members to please read.

This message is for all our members, staff and friends.  

We have the August events all listed as suspended  as of this time.   Tabu Events

We want to make sure you all understand that ALL CLUBS, Bars (operating as a bar without serving sit down meals) and Nightclubs are legally required to follow the guidelines of the Governor’s office as an executive order.  That order still requires us to be closed.

They have still not entered Phase 3 of the Re Opening Plan and have PAUSED the Re Opening plan while we are still in phase 2.  They made it abundantly clear that NO County is permitted to override this order.  Regardless of what other business may do or say.  If they are open in the state, they are in violation of these orders as are potentially anyone in attendance. 

In the state of Maryland, it is not legal for any lifestyle club to be open.  Please know we will not hold events until it is fully legal to do so.  We feel the health and safety of the members, staff and ourselves is far too important.  Putting you in jeopardy it not something we are willing to do. 

Please be safe, encourage all your friends and family to wear a mask, follow good hand cleaning hygiene and maintain 6 ft socially distant.  Doing these items will help us all get to a better place where the club is able to re-open again legally.


  2489 Hits

Questions about events and when will TABU be open again?

People keep emailing me asking if we are open, or when we will be opening. I do understand people want a return to normalcy. Believe me, so do we, but here is some food for thought as of today July 24th, 2020.

Right now you can not legally do things like:

  • Go to a movie.

  • Eat inside a restaurant like you used to, without a care in the world.

  • Go to a sporting event.

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  3629 Hits

Tabu and Covid...what steps we do for you

The Big Question we still do not have an answer for is WHEN will Tabu Re Open.
We will not open until it is LEGAL to do so.
We will fall in-between the Medium and High Risk phase of the openings (Or Phase 3). Right now the state is at Phase 2. So the better a job we all do only helps us to open sooner. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do your part to help that happen.
We will continue to work on our plans to do everything we can to make the club is safe for all the members and staff as we can when that time comes. We will be sending a Survey to all members this week and your FEEDBACK is really needed.
Tabu will be Suspending Events through Mid of JULY as of this time.
Our goal is to resume our regular events as soon as it is deemed safe for the members and staff as well as LEGAL TO DO SO. YOU are our priority.  We never thought in our wildest dreams we would be closed for coming up on 4 months without you will us.
PLEASE Follow and support our DJ's!
They need your help now more than ever!
Convo-19 Update June 26th
Some members have asked why we are not open? They see some other clubs in the Delmarva PA area have been open for several weeks. Yet we have not. Here is our honest answer as best we are able to provide it to you.
We have elected to follow the State Mandated Closures to the letter. We feel that by doing so, we are truly supporting the community as a whole. We made the decision to not put monitory needs ahead of the health and safety of the members and staff EVER! PLEASE know that closing a thriving business now coming up on 4 months comes at a GREAT Personal cost to us. We also feel it is the best thing to do. Based on the overwhelming feedback from our recent survey it was heart warming to know that the majority of our members also agree with us on the following the State Mandated Guidelines.
If you would like us to do another ZOOM Event and are committed to join it we will be happy to do that. We have done all of those events totally for free as a way to re connect with each other in some way. Please message us that you would join the ZOOM meeting so we can get a feel for how many of you would like that.
Our DJ's do still need support and if you want to also donate to the staff that will also get passed along to them as well.
Did you know you can
Connect with us at TABU ON LINE!
TABU HAS Chat with other members too!
We have had a tremendous amount of you using the TABU Connections to communicate with other members and remember this is a FREE Benefit to your Tabu Membership.
How about connecting to other members on line? 
You can do that too! If you have a TABU Membership Card (NOT a Wed ID # , sorry) You can join Tabu Connections for FREE and set up a profile and communicate with over 1000 of Tabu's Members. There is CHAT also available as well.
(You must list your Tabu Number and we do match it to your membership so valid information on names is also required.)
We want to encourage all of our members to PLEASE follow the direction of your states or the Dc government. Please practice social distancing and now they encourage EVERYONE wear a face-mask. YES as simple as a bandana or cloth mask can help protect you from unknowingly spread the Convid-19 virus if you do not have a normal surgical mask, CDC Information on Mask t
We look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for everyone!
We have come to this decision with the assistance and guidance of the CDC , WHO , Governor of Maryland and the Maryland Health Department have all urge the practice of Social distancing as a way to protect ourselves and our loved ones as well as the community as a whole.
We have not come to this decision lightly and have put everyone's best interest first.
Here is our FULL Most Recent Update for our members. You can find them all here:
We look forward to your next visit and will see you soon.
Up Coming Tabu Events
We will resume events as soon as it deemed safe is our plan at this time. We will update the events on our Web Site as well as through our Newsletters.
Don't get our newsletter?
Update each week until
we resume events
One of Tabu's best Parties you to not want to miss
  2154 Hits

Saturday Night ZOOM Toast our Anniversary, Toy Drive on Line still and DJ Links for the Staff and fun for you!

UPDATED Important Safety Measures April 17th
Tabu will be Suspending Events through the end of April as of this time.
Our goal is to resume our regular events as soon as it is deemed safe for the members and staff. YOU are our priority.
Convo-19 Update April 17th
Here is how to connect
UPDATED Important Safety Measures April 10th
Tabu will be Suspending Events through the end of April
Our goal is to resume our regular events as soon as it is deemed safe for the members.
(ALL Proceeds from your donations or the Toy Party are being directly donated to the Staff and DJ's of Tabu)
1.Tabu Toy Drive you can still buy on line!!!
(Guys you really need to let her attend this event, a Happy Partners makes for a HAPPY HAPPY Quarantine for
Get your Awesome TOYS and other fun stuff on line NOW, She is shipping things out FAST TOO!
For those Members that are in the Private Facebook Group we will be doing a ZOOM Video Toast for Tabu's Anniversary.
Join us Saturday Night for a Toast for Tabu's 16th Anniversary on ZOOM!!
If you are Friends with Vicki Shobe Sorensen Gonzalez on Facebook you can ask to join the group up until 6 pm tomorrow. You have to a HARD Plastic Tabu Card to join the group, the number is required. The page will have the Call link tomorrow early evening.
A Special Message from Vicki and Gary to all of our our members.
If you know how much we care and love our members you also know how much we care and love for our Staff We are taking all the steps we can to get help from the State and Federal Government but it is a VERY Slow process. We applied for Grants and loans weeks ago. We have applied to get the Care Act Loans for our Staff. We are now just waiting. So your help in this time of WAITING is so greatly appreciated. Just a few dollars to them means a meal, extra food on the table and possible a moment of relief that they know you care too!
Thank you for any help what so ever you are able to provide them.
Vicki and Gary
And like we have always said every-time you leave the club at the end of the night, BE SAFE!
4.Did you know you can
Connect with us at TABU ON LINE!
TABU HAS Chat with other members too!
How about connecting to other members on line? 
You can do that too! If you have a TABU Membership Card (NOT a Wed ID # , sorry) You can join Tabu Connections for FREE and set up a profile and communicate with over 1000 of Tabu's Members. There is CHAT also available as well.
(You must list your Tabu Number and we do match it to your membership so valid information on names is also required.)
We want to encourage all of our members to PLEASE follow the direction of your states or the Dc government. Please remain home, practice social distancing and now they encourage EVERYONE wear a face-mask. YES as simple as a bandana or cloth mask can help protect you from unknowingly spread the Convid-19 virus if you do not have a normal surgical mask, CDC Information on Mask
Also THANK YOU SO MUCH to the following members that went above and beyond with their donations for the staff and DJ's last week:
Deb and Lou
Kristina and Matt
Bill B
Lori Sue
Nick & Annie
Kim W
Allison & Drew
Glenda & Pete
Katie and Matt
Rich S
Aretha J
Missie & AC


We look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for everyone!
Tabu has made the decision to suspend our events through the end of April. In all honestly we see continued suspension of events thorough most if not all of May as well. We have made this decision to protect the safety and welfare of our members, staff as well as the family and loved ones they come in contact with on a daily basis. We feel your health and safety far exceeds the need to hold these events.
We have come to this decision with the assistance and guidance of the CDC, WHO, Governor of Maryland and the Maryland Health Department have all urge the practice of Social distancing as a way to protect ourselves and our loved ones as well as the community as a whole.
We have not come to this decision lightly and have put everyone's best interest first.
Here is our FULL Most Recent Update for our members. You can find them all here:
We look forward to your next visit and will see you soon.
Up Coming Tabu Events
We will resume events as soon as it deemed safe is our plan at this time. We will update the events on our Web Site as well as through our Newsletters.
Don't get our newsletter?
  2068 Hits


So I really do not know the best way to respond to the email question I got today randomly at 11 am on Monday morning. "Hi.  How u making out.  Do u think tabu will reopen this year.   Any thoughts." I actually find myself somewhat infuriated at the question. I suspect they may be possible offended at my response I sent back to ...

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  1904 Hits

Hey TABU is Going LIVE tonight for a TOY Party and Check out DJ Fexx Friday and Saturday DJ Kutt will be LIVE too

UPDATED Important Safety Measures April 10th
Tabu will be Suspending Events through the end of April as of this time.
Our goal is to resume our regular events as soon as it is deemed safe for the members and staff. YOU are our priority.
Convo-19 Update April 10th
Here is how to connect
UPDATED Important Safety Measures April 10th
Tabu will be Suspending Events through the end of April
Our goal is to resume our regular events as soon as it is deemed safe for the members.
(ALL Proceeds from your donations or the Toy Party are being directly donated to the Staff and DJ's of Tabu)
1.Tabu Ladies LIVE TOY Party Friday April 10th 9pm
(Guys you really need to let her attend this event, a Happy Partners makes for a HAPPY HAPPY Quarantine for
Can't make the Live event? You can also shop on line.
Get your Awesome TOYS and other fun stuff on line NOW, She is shipping things out FAST TOO!
A Special Message from Vicki and Gary to all of our our members.
If you know how much we care and love our members you also know how much we care and love for our Staff We are taking all the steps we can to get help from the State and Federal Government but it is a VERY Slow process. We applied for Grants and loans weeks ago. We have applied to get the Care Act Loans for our Staff. We are now just waiting. So your help in this time of WAITING is so greatly appreciated. Just a few dollars to them means a meal, extra food on the table and possible a moment of relief that they know you care too!
Thank you for any help what so ever you are able to provide them.
Vicki and Gary
And like we have always said every-time you leave the club at the end of the night, BE SAFE!
4.Did you know you can
Connect with us at TABU ON LINE!
How about connecting to other members on line? 
You can do that too! If you have a TABU Membership Card (NOT a Wed ID # , sorry) You can join Tabu Connections for FREE and set up a profile and communicate with over 1000 of Tabu's Members. There is CHAT also available as well.
(You must list your Tabu Number and we do match it to your membership so valid information on names is also required.)
We want to encourage all of our members to PLEASE follow the direction of your states or the Dc government. Please remain home, practice social distancing and now they encourage EVERYONE wear a face-mask. YES as simple as a bandana or cloth mask can help protect you from unknowingly spread the Convid-19 virus if you do not have a normal surgical mask, CDC Information on Mask
Also THANK YOU SO MUCH to the following members that went above and beyond with their donations for the staff and DJ's last week:
Deb and Lou
Kristina and Matt
We look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for everyone!
Tabu has made the decision to suspend our events through the end of April. In all honestly we see continued suspension of events thorough most if not all of May as well. We have made this decision to protect the safety and welfare of our members, staff as well as the family and loved ones they come in contact with on a daily basis. We feel your health and safety far exceeds the need to hold these events.
We have come to this decision with the assistance and guidance of the CDC, WHO, Governor of Maryland and the Maryland Health Department have all urge the practice of Social distancing as a way to protect ourselves and our loved ones as well as the community as a whole.
We have not come to this decision lightly and have put everyone's best interest first.
Here is our FULL Most Recent Update for our members. You can find them all here:
We look forward to your next visit and will see you soon.
Up Coming Tabu Events
We will resume events as soon as it deemed safe is our plan at this time. We will update the events on our Web Site as well as through our Newsletters.
Don't get our newsletter?
Update each week until
we resume events
One of Tabu's Famous Parties you to not want to miss
  2144 Hits

Join Tabu's DJ's in your own home this weekend. Plus are you on Tabu Connections Yet?

UPDATED Important Safety Measures April 3rd
Tabu will be Suspending Events for 2 Weeks
April 3rd - 11th Events Suspended
Our goal is to resume our regular events as soon as it is deemed safe for the members. We will update you each week if we will be adding the events 2 weeks out to being Suspended.
Convo-19 Update April 3rd
Here is how to connect
UPDATED Important Safety Measures April 3rd
Tabu will be Suspending Events for 2 Weeks
April 3rd - 4th Events Suspended
April 10th & 11th Suspended
Our goal is to resume our regular events as soon as it is deemed safe for the members. We will update you each week if we will be adding the events 2 weeks out to being Suspended.
Did you know you can
Connect with us at TABU ON LINE!
Want to stay connect to TABU and HELP all the Employees and DJ's you know and love at the Club?
Here is how, the DJ's did sets last week and will be doing them again for you to listen to. Just like being at the club, Party in your bedroom, turn you Basement in to Temporary Tabu how you listen is totally up to you. WE DO ASK for a SMALL Donation or what ever you want to donate. THESE FUNDS Go directly to the Employees and DJ's in this time of need.
How about connecting to other members on line? 
You can do that too! If you have a TABU Membership Card (NOT a Wed ID # , sorry) You can join Tabu Connections for FREE and set up a profile and communicate with over 1000 of Tabu's Members. There is CHAT also available as well.
(You must list your Tabu Number and we do match it to your membership so valid information on names is also required.)
Message from Vicki directly,
We want to encourage all of our members to PLEASE follow the direction of your states or the Dc government. Please remain home, practice social distancing and now they encourage EVERYONE wear a face-mask. YES as simple as a bandana or cloth mask can help protect you from unknowingly spread the Convid-19 virus if you do not have a normal surgical mask, CDC Information on Mask
Also THANK YOU SO MUCH to the following members that went above and beyond with their donations for the staff and DJ's last week:
Deb and Lou
Kristina and Matt
Tim & LuAnne
Dinnell and Christine
Katie and Matt
We look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for everyone!
Tabu has made the decision to suspend our events for the next 2 weeks (April 3rd - April 11th). We have made this decision to protect the safety and welfare of our members, staff as well as the family and loved ones they come in contact with on a daily basis. We feel your health and safety far exceeds the need to hold these events.
We have come to this decision with the assistance and guidance of the CDC , WHO , Governor of Maryland and the Maryland Health Department have all urge the practice of Social distancing as a way to protect ourselves and our loved ones as well as the community as a whole.
We have not come to this decision lightly and have put everyone's best interest first.
Here is our FULL Most Recent Update for our members. You can find them all here:
We look forward to your next visit and will see you soon.
Up Coming Tabu Events
We will resume events as soon as it deemed safe is our plan at this time. We will update the events on our Web Site as well as through our Newsletters.
Don't get our newsletter?
Update each week until
we resume events
Sweet 16 Year Anniversary Party at TABU!
  2017 Hits

Tabu Goes ON LINE for you, Join us and Help the Employees at the same time too!


Convo-19 Update March 27th


Here is how to connect

UPDATED Important Safety Measures March 27th
Tabu will be Suspending Events for 2 Weeks
March 26th - 28th Events Suspended
April 3rd - 4th Events Suspended
Our goal is to resume our regular events as soon as it is deemed safe for the members. We will update you each week if we will be adding the events 2 weeks out to being Suspended.
Did you know you can Connect with us at TABU ON LINE!
Want to stay connect to TABU and HELP all the Employees and DJ's you know and love at the Club?
Here is how, the DJ's did sets last week and will be doing them again for you to listen to.  Just like being at the club,  Party in your bedroom, turn you Basement in to Temporary Tabu how you listen is totally up to you.  WE DO ASK for a SMALL Donation or what ever you want to donate.  THESE FUNDS Go directly to the Employees and DJ's in this time of need.

Listen to DJ EFXX Set March 20th HERE

Listen DJ Kutt Set March 21st HERE

Listen to DJ Efxx March 27th HERE

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  2299 Hits

Tabu , Vicki's opinions, You and the Virus Update March 18th

First and foremost, we want you to know that you, our members and employees, health and wellbeing are EXTREMELY important to us.  All decisions we make about closing any events that will be our first consideration.

As you know last Friday, we made the decision to postpone the events at Tabu scheduled March 13th, 14th, 20th and 21st.  In all likely hood this is just the beginning of events that will be Postponed.  We will be doing a 2 week rolling outage so I will be postponing the March 27th and 28th events officially later today. Tabu Events

We are now under a MANDATED Executive Order to be closed. Maryland COVID-19 Response We will follow the direction of the local and national authorities.  Gatherings of 10 or more should be canceled.  There is no grey area in this. This includes house and hotel events as well.  Anyone that insist on holding events currently is not looking out for your wellbeing.

Personally, let me express to you that I (Vicki) find it extremely selfish and morally irresponsible for any Club owner, Event Planner or Party Host in the lifestyle community to keep their events opened at this time.  This is my opinion and if I offend you by stating it, so be it.  I am concerned for the Community as a whole.  Swingers, people in the lifestyle or opened relationships have a believe totally opposite of Social Distancing.  It's against almost everything we stand for.  So holding an event and thinking for one second that we will follow the guidelines is ludicrous.  The lack of concern for the guest astounds me.  Do they not know that the guest may be parents, have older family members they may be in contact with or have a job that mandates they be in contact with other human beings and are putting their health and safety as risk?  FOR WHAT?  Money??  REALLY???  Do they not know that holding the events is putting those other people in jeopardy of getting ill and possible dying? Make no mistake, people are dying every single day.  When this is all said and done, we will all know someone mortally impacted by this virus.  Again, this is just my own personal views.  If you do not agree you are totally within your right to do and feel so.

So, we do want to urge you to ALL take this seriously.  If not for yourself then for the people you love and care for.  This is unlike anything we have seen in our lifetimes.  It will be lifechanging for us all.  Not just in this moment in time either. It is changing the world as a whole as we speak moment by moment.

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  3673 Hits

Important Safety Measures for the Members.

Important Safety Measures for our Members
Tabu wants to share with you steps we've taken given the growing concerns of the spreading of the COVID-19 Virus as well as the heighten Flu season.
Our goal is in no way meant to alarm any members. We are an open book and transparency on the steps we are taking to help promote good heath and wellness practice that we will be implementing should be conveyed to all our members or soon to be members. These items will be in-place and followed until no longer warranted at this level.
  1. We ask all members that are not feeling their best, please get the needed rest they need for their health and please wait to attend until they feel well.
  2. If you have any traveled out of the country or to areas with HIGH outbreaks please do not attend until you have been home without symptoms for 2 weeks.
  3. If you or Family members have been exposed to the Flu please do not attend until you have been cleared and are feeling 100%.
  4. If you have been exposed to the anyone with the Virus. Do not attend until you have been symptom free for 14 or more days.
  5. If you are having any of the following symptoms please do not attend until you are fully recovered. Symptoms as follows: fever, tiredness, dry cough, aches , pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea. All never fun for a party anyway. Again, get well and we will see you when you are back to 100%.
  6. We have ensured we have ample supply of Hand sanitizers through out the club. Please use them generously. And feel free to bump elbows over a handshake as you meet new members.
  7. We are having all contact points routinely sanitized to help in the prevention of any viruses or germs spreading. Places like, door knobs, counters, computers, dance poles, cage area ect.
  8. We have provided proper hand washing information in all restrooms as a reminder of safe practices. YES Wash Wash Wash your hands everyone.
  9. We ask if any one coughs or sneezes, please follow the guidelines that have been set to do so in the Bend of your elbow or use a Tissue. Dispose of the tissues yourself and do not leave them laying around ever.
  10. Please try to avoid touching your face, mouth, nose and eyes needlessly. Yes just another safe health practice.
  11. Please also dispose of your empty drink cups in the ample provided trash cans.
These are really all basic good health practice guidelines. We hope you know the well being of our members and employees are always our top priority.
We look forward to your next visit and will see you soon.
Up Coming Tabu Events
We have tons of new events coming every weekend. Plus we have a Special Saturday Daytime Event for LADIES ONLY March 13th 3 pm - 6 pm.
Latin Night is coming back.
Tons of events for Discounts too.
AA" Party at TABU
We do it with the Lights ON!
Shake you Shamrocks
St Patrick's Day Party
It's Magically Delicious at Tabu
Tabu Social Club | Our Website
  2029 Hits

We just added some more great events between now and the end of March. Hot Hot Hot!!!

We have been working on adding some new fun themes on top of the ones you already love.  Check out our newest Video slide show of events. 

Tabu Upcoming Events through March.


  2492 Hits

2020 is HERE!!!

Have you checked out some of the Great parties we already have planned for 2020 with you!

We have Fire N Ice, Heaven and Hell, Naughty Gras, St partirick's with the Girls Uncorked and the Mayor's Meet N Greet,  Tabu's 16 Year Anniversary Party and all this just before April is over.

I hope you took your vitamins.....this is going to HOT!


  2543 Hits



Helpful Links


Upcoming Events





Tabu Social Club

1115 N. Rolling Road Catonsville, MD 21228

Friday 9 pm - 2 am

Saturday 9 pm - 3 am

(410) 869-0001

Please do not be mislead There is ONLY ONE TABU... Where Sexy Adults  Meet and Play


Visiting Baltimore? Visit Tabu Lifestyle Club 

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Tabu is not your average swingers club, it's more a lifestyle club than just a club for swingers

Tabu Lifestyle Club | Maryland Swingers Club | DC Swingers Club | Swingers Club Baltimore, Towson, Maryland, DC ~ PA ~ VA Adult Night Club Baltimore | Adult Bottle Club | Adult Swingers Club MD DC VA PA